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124/198, Agarwal Farm Mansarover,

Phone : 0141-
Mobile : +91-8290104557

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about us

Manufactured under the name of A D Enterprises under the name of Osheeba, we ensure a complete range of economical and environment friendly systems for the modern washrooms of today. Available in various sleek and stylish designs, our products have found huge appreciation at both the domestic and international level.

Right from our commencement year 2002, we have serving successfully to our  clients and there experience of being associated with us has been proved beneficial. We are the manufacturer of our products. Our products are available at affordable and reasonable price.

A well developed infrastructure comprises of highly advanced manufacturing unit where latest machines and tools are substantially installed for swift and smooth production processes. Our workforce includes talented engineers, research personnel, designers etc. 


Culture and Values

Osheeba ’s company culture, what we believe in, and best practice.

Corporate Social Responsibility

See how Osheeba Hygiene fulfils our corporate social responsibility through social projects, environment initiatives, and our health and safety practices.


Osheeba  Hygiene has been Indian’s choice for washrooms since the early 90s and our list of customers continues to grow.


Leadership, Quality and Innovation

We strive to lead the industry by raising standards for quality and continuous innovation in technology.

Our People

Our business is all about people.

Working with You

Almost every organization requires washroom hygiene services. The question is, who are you going to choose to supply yours?