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Address :

124/198, Agarwal Farm Mansarover,

Phone : 0141-
Mobile : +91-8290104557

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Servicing and Delivery

Fitting out your washroom hygiene needs requires efficient services delivered to high standards. Osheeba  has years of proven expertise in the sector; you can trust us for excellent results. Our trained technicians will carry out all installation procedures – from sanitising your systems to installing washroom dispensers – with minimum disruption.

We will agree an installation time that fits with your schedule. All work will be carried out in a discreet and efficient way to ensure as little disruption to your business as possible. We will also clean up after ourselves, leaving behind us only highly serviceable hygiene solutions that will be a pleasure to use for many years to come.


Regular professional service is vital to the maintenance of clean, hygienic, welcoming workplace environments. We have a wide range of service level agreements available, or we can customize our services to suite your precise requirements.

Once a Osheeba  hygiene service agreement is in place you can look forward to the peace of mind, knowing that Pink is keeping your washrooms and other critical workplace areas fresh and hygienic.




Your service contract will specify your regular service delivery requirements – depend on us to deliver on time and without fuss. Our service drivers are highly trained in discreet and efficient service.

You’ll hardly notice we’ve been there – but your staff and washroom users are sure to appreciate the fresh and hygiene washrooms they always enjoy.