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124/198, Agarwal Farm Mansarover,

Phone : 0141-
Mobile : +91-8290104557

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Industry Expertise

Different businesses, different hygiene needs

Osheeba Hygiene understands that all businesses are different and have their own washrooms and floor care needs. We are proud to offer services that will meet your company and industry’s specific needs.

You can trust us to meet your needs, whatever they may be. That’s why businesses of all shapes and sizes turn to Pink for their hygiene requirements.

Constantly improving our services

We realize that some customers value design, technology and innovation above all else. That is why we invest heavily in research and development to improve aesthetics, performance and efficiency.

Here are just some of the sectors we have been actively involved with over the years:


Good hygiene practices begin at a primary stage. Schools are recognised high risk zones for transmission of communicable diseases. Pink Hygiene is committed to lifting the standards of hygiene in schools and educational institutions to improve the wellbeing of staff and students.

Food Industry

Hygiene is essential to ensure food safety. Our efficient, reliable and top quality service is designed to keep both customer washrooms and staff areas in pristine hygienic condition. Pink floor mats will help you overcome many occupational health and safety risks.

Government / Local Authority

Public buildings have to cater to the washroom hygiene needs of their staff – and sometimes those of many visitors. In addition, many locations are exposed to vandalism or other risks. Osheeba Hygiene can provide separate levels of service for all situations.

Healthcare and Medical

In addition to our comprehensive service range, we provide specialist services such as medical waste removal and sharps disposal. Your consultant can advise on the best solution for you.


Hospitality and Leisure

Guests want to feel comfortable and well-cared for. Pleasant washrooms and smart clean flooring contribute to a more welcoming overall ambience, making your visitors’ experience more memorable. Trust Osheeba  to create a solution for you.


Understanding “downtime” can impact performance; industries need durable, functional solutions to their everyday washroom and workplace hygiene requirements. Trust Osheeba to understand your specific needs and create an effective solution to suit.

Office and Business Services

Washrooms and other public areas are the face of any organisation. Showing you care for the welfare of your staff is an excellent way to convince visitors of the worth of your company.

Planning and Property Management

At  Osheeba  Hygiene Solutions, we understand that a hygienic environment is a statement about the quality of your business and how you value your customers. Poor quality washrooms and unclean floors can soon put customers off and result in dissatisfaction with your services. Trust Osheeba  to maintain busy environments in a state every user will appreciate.


Consumers visit your premises for the price and quality of your goods – but poor quality washrooms and unclean floors can soon put them off. Trust Osheeba  to maintain busy environments in a state every user will appreciate.

Transportation and Warehousing

Large number of users place heavy demands on washroom facilities and floor care needs in transportation centres. Trust Osheeba to understand your specific needs and create an effective hygiene solution to suit.