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Address :

124/198, Agarwal Farm Mansarover,

Phone : 0141-
Mobile : +91-8290104557

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 Osheeba Service Benefits

The advantages of a OsheebaWashroom Solution are considerable – we’ve divided them into financial and business benefits.


Business Benefits

  • The condition of your washroom reflects the quality of your business, and your attitude towards the well-being of your staff and customers.
  • Our expertise helps to create hygienically clean, comfortable well-supplied washrooms.
  • Concentrate on your core business activities with the confidence that your washroom hygiene requirements are taken care of.
  • Our dedicated teams will fully understand your account to provide immediate advice and assistance


Financial Benefits

  • No capital investment required - treat washroom service as a monthly operating cost.
  • A regular Osheeba  service programme can help to reduce expensive maintenance cost and repairs.
  • A properly installed Pink floor mat will reduce cleaning costs and wear-and-tear on your floors.


Get in touch today

We look forward to seeing how we can help your business.