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Automatic Shoe Shining Machines

Osheeba  offers the best quality of automatic Shoe Shining Machines and Shoe Cleaning Machines. An infrared system sensor automatically rotates soft brush which removes dust and makes shoe shine and polish. We also provide shoe shine machine with sole cleaner. We are manufacturer and supplier of Shoe Polishing / Shining Machine in jaipur, Rajasthan.

We offer a range of quality shoe shining machines, that are specifically designed to cater to the requirements of hospitality industry. Fabricated through latest technology, our range is acknowledged among our global clients for its high end features such as simple to use and automatic operations. For polishing, the shoe is inserted in the groove, the sensors in it get activated and soft brush present in it automatically starts rotating and brings shine to the shoe.

Model   -

ADO  1101 ,   ADO 1102

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