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Body Dryer

Automatic Hand Dryer & Body Dryer

Automatic Hand Dryers & Body Dryer  are completely comfortable. Nozzle and push-button in chrome-zinc. Dry your hands and Body within 20-25 second. Adjustable sensitive distance of sensor from 10 to 30cm. Power cut of irregular use over 120 sec. Available in off white, silver color. Perfect use for public washroom, Hotels, Hospitals, Homes, Schools and Offices.

Why Hand Dryers
Hand Dryers are the good option in comparison to towels or paper napkins because from towels there are very high chances of allergy and infection. Hand Dryers are used in hospitals, restaurants, hotels, schools, industries and all commercial areas where there are so many people who use the washroom. If everyone uses the same towel then there is high risk of infection and also it is not so effective to absorb the water. Also it need great amount of chemicals to produce paper towels. Paper towels also needs cutting of trees. Thus Hand Dryers solve all these problems. With Hand Dryers there is no need to afraid from infection. It also protects the environment through the conversation of forest. Also there is no land pollution like paper towels. It is cost effective and also cost of maintenance for hand dryers is very low.

Model : ADO 401    , ADO 402   ,ADO  403   , ADO   404   ,  ADO   405, 

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